广义OOD(From Jingkang Yang...)

(Out-of-Distribution detection)旨在识别模型遇到的分布外数据(Out-of-Distribution data),即模型训练时未见过的、来自不同分布的输入。

Image credit: Unsplash

Yang introduce a unified framework termed generalized OOD detection,which encapsulates five related sub-topics: anomaly detection (AD), novelty detection (ND), open set recognition (OSR), out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, andoutlier detection (OD).

These sub-topics can be similar in the sense that they all define a certain in-distribution,with the common goal of detecting out-of-distributionsamples under the open-world assumption.

OOD detection


Application and Benchmark:经常使用CIFAR-10作为ID样本进行训练,其他数据集如SVHN等作为OOD测试样本。

评价标准:AUROC,AUPR,or F-scores,FPR@TPRx,TNR@TPRx

Anomaly Detection


Anomaly Detection对于ID内样本的分类并不关心,都认为是一类,只关心如何把ID样本和OOD样本分开,检测出OOD样本。

Application and Benchmark:分为两类Sensory ADSemantic AD,这里主要说一下后者,即检测属于新类的样本。现实的应用如犯罪监控、Active 图片爬虫。学术界一个标准,即使用MNIST中的某一类作为ID样本,其余9个类别作为OOD样本来检验模型的OOD检测能力。

评价标准:AUROC,AUPR,or F-scores

It’s important to know in which scenarios each of the different techniques is particularly useful.(来自\url{Welcome … — Physics-based Deep Learning})


找到一个未知函数 f∗,它能从空间 Y 中生成解,并从 X 中获取输入,即 f∗:X→Y。

YvYve 陽
YvYve 陽
Freshman of Artificial Intelligence

I am now a newcomer to AI, so please take care of me and look forward to my growth!